Two Humpbacks and 3 Grey Seals

November 27, 2020

On 11-27-2020 I was out on the American Princess Cruises Whale and Dolphin watch as a spotter, and photographing for Gotham Whale and the AP, when we encountered NYC0089 off Breezy Point. The whale was with another Humpback and a few Grey Seals (love their faces).  The whale was feeding and by the looks of it, having a good time doing it. NYC0089 has a unique way of lunge feeding. It likes to come in on an angle, not straight on as most whales do. Some will say the reason for the angled lunge feeding is because the whale was in shallow waters. We did see this whale a few times, and this is mostly how the whale lunge feeds no matter the depth. I have seen a few other whales lunge feed like this; NYC0015 is one of them. But mostly the whales I see lunge feeding come straight up at the bunker ball from below the water- head on, not sideways.

When we were on NYC0089 we were very close to the Breezy Point Jetty, so it would be a short trip for NYC0089 to get to Lower NY Bay or Harbor, then to Upper NY Bay or Harbor and onwards and upwards to the Hudson River or the North River.

There is so much bait inside the back bays and harbors right now. We assume that's true for the Hudson River as well but do not 100% know that is a fact. From the many reports I have read the whale is feeding and looking healthy. It is relatively safe for the whale to be there; the water is very deep. Boat traffic is the biggest problem for this whale. Ship strikes are one of the major causes for fatalities and injuries for Marine Mammals including the Humpback Whale, so this could be a problem. Marine traffic and seasoned captains know there is a whale in the area, everyone on the water is in the know. There are many eyes on the lookout for this whale, so it should be OK.

We saw NYC0089 before, on June 02, 2018 on the American Princess Cruises Whale Watch. It was healthy and with other whales and dolphins that day. Here is the recap – Artie Raslich Photography | 2018-06-02 5 Humpbacks and 50+ Dolphins off Rockaway . I think I have seen this whale a few other times but cannot confirm. Sometimes you get photos of whales, and because of distance or angles in photos you cannot ID them… hey, it happens.

Well, I hope NYC0089 has fun in the big city seeing the sights. And then gets the hell out of there before Mayor De Blasio slaps him with restrictions or makes him quarantine!

Good luck NYC0089, see you soon!



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