Artie Raslich Photography
Humpback Blog
Whales and Dolphins
Whales and Dolphins
2024 Whales
2024-01-06 8 hour pelagic trip-NW
2024-04-20 200 Dolphin AP
2024-04-28 1 Minke, 1 Humpback 100s of Dolphins off Rockaway
2024-05-04 Two Humpbacks 100 Dolphin off Rockaway
2024-06-02 4 humpbacks in Ambrose
2024-06-09 3 Humpbacks a few Dolphins off Sandy
2024-06-16 One Humpback off Sandy
2024-06-17 1 Humpback a Breach
2024-07-06 1 Humpback 15 Dolphins Sandy
2024-07-17 2 Humpbacks, Threshers, Rays on the AP
2024-07-18 1 Humpback, many dolphins a few rays
2024-07-19 4 humpbacks, 150 Dolphins, School of Drum on the AP.
2024-07-20 Non-Stop Humpback whale action
2024-07-26 4 whales, WCS
2024-08-01 7 whales
2024-08-03 4 whales lunge feeding, cownose rays
2024-08-10 50 Dolphins
2024-08-20 NBC TV Whale watch segment - Freeport
2024-08-22 3 Whales, 300 Dolphin
2024-08-24 3 Whales, 500 Dolphin
2024-08-24. 4 whales, 500+ Dolphins, Cownose Rays, a small sea turtle
2024-08-25 2 Humpback Whales, 2 Minkies
2024-08-29 2 Humpbacks 35 Dolphin
2024-08-30 2 Humpbacks Choppy Seas
2024-09-01 3 Humpbacks 50 Dolphin
2024-09-02 5 Humpback Whales Pod of 50 Playful Dolphin
2024-09-04 CRESLI Montauk Many Humpbacks, a few Dolphins
2024-09-05 1 humpback off Rockaway
2024-09-08 1 Humpback 20 Dolphins
2024-10-04 four whales 300 Dolphins
2024-10-11 5 whales 400 Dolphins
2024-10-13 11 Humpbacks 700 Dolphin
2024-10-18 4 whales 3 dolphins
2024-10-20 3 humpbacks 300 dolphin
2024-10-22 1 Humpback, 50 Dolphins ER-JI
2024-11-03 8-9 whales off Rockaway and LB on the AP
© Artie Raslich Photography